Sonic Specialist
Sonic Specialist

9 learners earned this badge

The Sonic Specialist badge challenges the youth to delve deeper into their understanding of the song creation process and how to utilize the medium of music and correlating software, such as Logic Pro X, to lift their voices in order to address social issues intentionally. Through activities such as open dialogues, songwriting, and physical warmups, youth will learn how to efficiently use their minds and bodies in preparation to record as well as work together to create completed pieces of music. Using near rhymes and internal rhythm, youth will contribute their own stories to the now and soon-to-come.


Big Thought

Evidence: Sound

Badge Type: skill

Expected Duration: 10 hours


  1. [required] TLW – 2-3 songwriting 6-8 lines TLW – Contribute to a song creation TLW – Can lead a group discussion

Earn by participating in:


The Sonic Specialist badge challenges the youth to delve deeper into their understanding of the song creation process and how to utilize the medium of music and correlating software, such as Logic Pro X, to lift their voices in order to address social issues intentionally. Using near rhymes and internal rhythm, youth will contribute their own stories to the now and soon-to-come.

(A)LIVE x Sudie Williams

The Sonic Specialist badge challenges the youth to delve deeper into their understanding of the song creation process and how to utilize the medium of music and correlating software, such as Logic Pro X, to lift their voices in order to address social issues intentionally. Using near rhymes and internal rhythm, youth will contribute their own stories to the now and soon-to-come.

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